Symptoms and causes of kidney stones

Symptoms and causes of kidney stones

Kidney stones are frequent. Here we talk you about it symptoms and the causes of this illness.

23/03/13 por Evelyn

How the kidney stones are produced?

The formation of kidney stones, or stones in the urinal zone are not a rare illness. The stones are formed by chemical elements found in the urine like: uric acid, phosphate, calcium, and oxalic acid. Their consistence can go from gritty or sand or gravel, to obstructions with the size of a bird egg.

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The stones can be formed and grow by a concentration of particulars chemical substances in the urine. Most of the kidney stones are made of oxalic acid or phosphate, this last one is more common if there is an infection.

Kidney stones symptoms

Kidney stones, generally causes sharp pain when urine. This pain, feels first toward the bladder zone, then near the groin and thighs.

Other kidney stone symptoms are: frequent urination, painful urination or weak, nausea, vomiting, sweating and chills. The patient may also pass blood with the urine.

"Kidney stones are formed by chemical elements found in the urine."

Kidney stones causes

The kidney stones are formed because the metabolism action. It happen when the urine becomes highly concentrated, because the heavy sweating or the low liquid consumption. They are aggravated by a sedentary lifestyle.

Other causes are: incorrect diet, excess of a class of acid-forming foods, white flour and sugar products, meat, tea, coffee, condiments and spices, rich foods and overeating.

Moreover, Vitamin A deficiency and excess vitamin D can lead to the formation of kidney stones.

How to recognize pregnancy symptoms

We will mention several symptoms that appear during pregnancy, some in the first days and other during the whole pregnancy.

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