Causes and symptoms from arteriosclerosis

Causes and symptoms from arteriosclerosis

Which are the causes and symptoms that produce arteriosclerosis? An illness which affects the circulation system.

10/04/13 por Evelyn

What is arteriosclerosis?

The arteriosclerosis is an illness which produce the arteries walls's widening. It has become a common condition nowadays, justifying the handicap and the mortality rate, mostly on the elder people.

Arteriosclerosis is usually preceded from atherosclerosis, which is some kind of gas filtration on the inner lining of blood vessel walls. The most sensitive to such degeneration are the coronary vessels of the heart, and brain arteries.

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As a result for this illness, it is produce a lack of elasticity of the blood vessels and a narrowing of the little arteries, which interfere over the blood circulation.

Arteriosclerosis symptoms

The arteriosclerosis symptoms vary depending on the amount of arteries involved. The lack of blood circulations often appears first on the legs. The feet might feel numbness and cold, also cramps and pain, that continuous after doing exercises.

If arteriosclerosis appears on the coronary arteries, the patient might suffer sharp pain, like the angina pectoris. But, if arteriosclerosis appears on brain's arteries, blood vessels can exploit, causing hemorrhages in the brain tissues. On the other hand, if there is a clog produced by a blood clot, it can elicit a stroke, with partial or complete paralysis on one side of the body. Also, it can elicit memory loss; or confusion mind on elder people.

If the illness appears on the kidney arteries, the patient can suffer high blood pressure and liver disorders.

Causes of Arteriosclerosis

This illness can be directly related to the following conditions:

"The arteriosclerosis is an illness which produce the arteries walls's widening."

  • Lack of exercise and a high fat diet: the most important causes of arteriosclerosis are lack of exercise, excessive white sugar consume, refined meals, and a high fat cholesterol diet.
  • Obesity, diabetes, and stress: other illnesses like high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes can also cause tightening of arteries. Emotional stress is important part, and heart attacks are more often during emotional or metal alterations, especially those that are involved into sedentary occupations.
  • Heritage: heritage factors also are involved with arteriosclerosis, because it can be genetically transmitted.

How to recognize pregnancy symptoms

We will mention several symptoms that appear during pregnancy, some in the first days and other during the whole pregnancy.

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