How to recognize pregnancy symptoms

How to recognize pregnancy symptoms

We will mention several symptoms that appear during pregnancy, some in the first days and other during the whole pregnancy.

03/03/13 por Staff de CHP

Symptoms or signs that you're pregnant

There are some symptoms that give us hints of a possible pregnancy, before doing the relevant tests. The dimension of the symptoms can change from woman to woman, there are even women that present only one symptom, others several and some almost every symptom, some of them start feeling them since the first days of pregnancy, and others can take 1 to 2 months. Every woman has a different rhythm. Symptoms appear because of the presence of hormones during pregnancy that act in the entire organism, preparing it properly for this especial moment in every woman's life.

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How to recognize pregnancy symptoms

Some of the symptoms or signs that indicate that you are pregnant are the following:

  • Being late (menstrual period)
  • Growth pain and discomfort in breasts.
  • Being more sleepy and tired than usual.
  • Some vaginal bleeding.
  • Nauseas and vomiting.
  • Bigger perception of smells.
  • Desire to eat or avoid some food.
  • Dizziness and low pressure.
  • Pain in the pelvic area.
  • Desire to urinate frequently.
  • Slight growth of the stomach.
  • Constipation and flatulence.
  • Vaginal discharge.

Next we will explain you in an extended way each of these pregnancy symptoms so you can understand them better:

Being late on your menstrual period. This is a important sign, especially if you are regular and don't have delays. A pregnancy test could be taken since the first or second day of being late.

"The increase, pain or breast discomfort, appear because these are congested and enlarged, due to the hormones that are present during pregnancy."

Breasts. Growth and pain or discomfort in breasts is because they are congested and they get bigger, due to the hormones that are present during the pregnancy. We have to keep in mind that some women use to feel that same sensation in the previous days of their menstrual period. Nipples get darker in some women.

Sleepy and tired. Feeling more tired or sleepy than usual is really attached to pregnancy because of the hormones that are stimulated by pregnancy. Besides, creating a new human being implies a bigger effort from our organism and that leads to a feeling of exhaustion.

Vaginal bleeding. Some vaginal bleeding of a brown or slightly red color is usually a sign that the egg has been implanted in the womb, this happens 6 days after the egg is fertilized, and this is the time that it takes that the egg arrives to the womb from the fallopian tubes. This bleeding is painless; if it comes with pain or discomfort you should go to the doctor.

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Nauseas. Nauseas and vomiting are other usual signs of pregnancy, and it also occurs because of hormones. It usually occurs by mornings and only in some cases, during all day.

Smells. During pregnancy there is a bigger perception of different smells.

Food. The desire to eat some food also appears and others cause a feeling of sickness and repugnance.

Arterial pressure. The blood vessels expand themselves and that causes a low arterial pressure.

Dizziness and fainting. If the low pressure is moderated, you can suffer dizziness and even faint.

Urinate frequently. For some reasons, during pregnancy the kidney's work is bigger filtering liquids (that increase during pregnancy) which gives us the necessity to urinate frequently, besides, as pregnancy moves forward, the womb grows together with the child, and it applies some pressure over the bladder, making you want to urinate more frequently.

Abdomen Growth. Before your 3 pregnancy months you can notice already a slight growth of your abdomen.

Constipation and flatulence. One of the pregnancy hormones produce a bigger slowness in the intestinal process, therefore we have these symptoms as consequence.

Vaginal discharge. The uterus neck creates a mucous plug to avoid infections that could damage the fetus. Therefore the vaginal discharge increase as a consequence, the discharge is more than usual, it doesn't have smell and doesn't produce irritation or discomfort. This discharge will last through the whole pregnancy.

If some of these symptoms are present, we could suspect that you are pregnant but to confirm this you can try a pregnancy test or if this test is positive go to the doctor to confirm.

Note: Remember that special cares during the first moments of pregnancy are important to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

How to recognize hyperthyroidism symptoms

What is hyperthyroidism?

The hyperthyroidism is a disease caused by a malfunction from the thyroid gland, given a hypersecretion of hormone levels in blood plasma.


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