How to treat constipation

How to treat constipation

Constipation is disease that afflicts many people. It can be momentary or constant, and we should treat it if it affects our life quality. Let’s check how to combat constipation by changing some habits.

17/06/13 por Staff de CHP

What is constipation?

Constipation is a digestive system condition. It causes infrequent or an effort to defecate, usually the stool are sparse or hard.

It is difficult to determinate how many times a person needs defecate, because each organism has its own habits, so a normal defecation frequency varies from a couple of times a day to three times a week. Worth mentioning that, it can be considered a disorder or a disease if constipation alter your life quality

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When someone suffers constipation or belly constipation, the person has difficulties to evacuate, reducing the normal frequency from its organism. The stool is hard and dry, sometimes is painful to defecate and causes a heaviness sensation, feeling yourself full.

Many people can suffer constipation occasionally for a limited time, that's because unhealthy eating, stress, eating bad habits, etc.

"The clues to combat and defeat constipation are three: healthy eating, drink a lot of water and exercise."

To combat constipation is important to have a healthy eating. Healthy eating should be rich in fiber, vegetables, and good hydration. In addition, you should exercise regularly, eat slowly and quietly, and takes with time and patience the moment to defecate.

Fiber and vegetable diets

  • Fiber helps to combat constipation by forming soft and bulky stool. It is found in many vegetables, fruits and cereals. It is important to incorporate these foods to the diet, but doing it slowly, especially if we are not used to eat these kinds of foods.
  • Among fiber fruits we find peaches, raspberries, tangerines, plums and strawberries; and among the vegetables are broccoli, pumpkin, cabbage, spinach, carrot, etc.
  • It is also recommended to consume many wholegrain, such as white bread, crackers as Maria ones, traditional breakfast cereals, oats, and legumes such as chickpeas, beans, lentils, etc.

Improve hydration

  • Liquid helps to keep stool soft and makes easier their evacuation, so is important to drink enough water.
  • Also to combat constipation it is advised to consume juices, especially orange juice. An orange juice in the morning can significantly help.
  • You should avoid consume too many infusions like tea or coffee, and also alcohol, because those beverages are diuretics.


  • Regular exercise helps the system to keep healthy and active.
  • Just walking for 20 to 30 minutes will improve bowel peristaltic activity promoting intestinal motility and thus the advance of the stool.

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"To combat constipation, you should avoid consume too many infusions like tea or coffee, and also alcohol, because those beverages are diuretics."

Accustom the body to evacuate

  • Seek about going every day to the bathroom to evacuate, and although it is not achieved. It is important to create this habit, to accustom to the body. This also have to be done with patience and taking the necessary time.
  • In addition, you have to pay attention when the need to defecate appears. Sometimes we are in such a hurry that we don't pay attention. Do not ignore the urge to go to the bathroom.
  • The clues to combat and defeat constipation are three: healthy eating, drink a lot of water and exercise. That coupled to good eating habits such as eating quietly, paying attention to the urge to go to the bathroom and creating the habit with patience to accustom the body and avoid injuries; significantly improve the life quality from the people afflicted with constipation.

Homemade remedies to avoid constipation

Causes of constipation

Constipation is a common affliction caused by the fact that people have become more sedentary (lack of exercise), and they take food with few fiber. However, constipation many times tends to appear in determined situations, such as trips or stress periods.


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