How to make a delicious Bruschetta

How to make a delicious Bruschetta

How to prepare Bruschetta, this traditional Italian appetizer, based on: tomato, bread and spices.

22/06/13 por Caro

Bruschetta’s recipe

The Bruschetta are a Central Italian dish, and considered one of the most popular appetizers in the country.
They are made with toasted bread garnish whit pieces of tomato marinade with olive oil and spices, everything at their perfect baking point.

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The ingredients you need to cook this delicious appetizer are (for 4 people):

  • 250 grams of cherry tomatoes, or 4 normal tomatoes.
  • 1 red midsize onion.
  • 2 tablespoons of wine vinegar.
  • 2 tablespoons of chopped basil.
  • 8 slices of fresh French bread.
  • 1 garlic clove (or more if you like).
  • Extra virgen olive oil.
  • 1 teaspoon of salt.

How to make Bruschettas

Cut the tomatoes and the onions in small dices, and put them to marinate with the wine vinegar and the basil. Toast the 8 slices of French bread and then spread then with garlic directly over the toasted bread. After put them on a wooden plate in a deteriorative way and add the tomatoes we prepared.

The next step is to add some olive oil over each bruschetta, and add the salt to the taste.
Some people add cheese to the bruschettas, as an additional ingredient, can be: mozzarella, Boccocini or Parmesano.

Normally, the Bruschettas are served over White plates and accompanied with red house wine.

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