How to get rid of bad smell in the feet

How to get rid of bad smell in the feet

Bad smell in the feet is a disorder caused by infections and excessive sweat. Occasionally, it causes that the person that suffers from this has problems in his/her relationship with others.

05/03/13 por Staff de CHP

Causes of foot odor

The bad smell in the feet can cause consequences in social work and, as the person who suffers often feel limited in their social relations, as it is aware of the strong odor given off their feet.

This excessive sweat with strong smell is nothing more that a result of the increase of microorganisms with other factors. To avoid this, we just have to follow the next tips carefully.

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Tips for removing bad smell in the feet

  • The shoes that we wear have to be made from natural material that allows sweating. Rubber shoes are not a good choice.
  • It's best not to use the same shoes every day, in this way we will let our used shoes some time to ventilate themselves.
  • The shoe doesn't have to press your foot, because it stops ventilation and the right circulation of the foot, it causes a lot of sweat. If the shoe gets wet, we have to clean and dry them nicely, because if they remain moist, they will smell bad with time.
  • The socks have to be made from natural material. In winter we have to use socks of cotton or wool. Nylon socks are not advisable, because they are made from synthetic material. You have to change your socks every day as the shoes.
  • If you practice sports you have to be meticulous with your personal hygiene and the attention of your feet and shoes. When you use shared showers, you must use sandals or flip-flops to avoid fungus.
  • Every time that we take a shower we must dry our feet correctly, especially between toes. The shoes to practice sports have to be used only for that purpose. We must not forget to check our feet daily and control the appearance of red dots.

Also there is food that helps to produce more strong and smelly sweat, it is convenient to avoid eating onions, garlic, species, and also coffee.

"To eliminate bad foot odor, it is advisable whenever we bañemos, dry feet well, especially between the toes."

Even if we follow these tips, it is best to always go to the doctor in case of having bad smell in the feet permanently, because it could be caused for other reasons.

How to sweat less than normal and to avoid underarm bad odor

Homemade recipes to sweat less than normal and  avoid underarms bad smell

Excessive sweating is a physical and social problem which is known as hyperhidrosis. This problem affects the person self-esteem not only because excessive sweating moisten the clothes, especially in the armpits, but also because it produces a bad smell.


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