How to sweat less than normal and to avoid underarm bad odor

How to sweat less than normal and to avoid underarm bad odor

In this article, you will find some tips, tricks and homemade recipes to get rid of excessive sweating and to lower underarms or other areas of the body bad smell.

02/07/13 por Colaboradores

Homemade recipes to sweat less than normal and  avoid underarms bad smell

Excessive sweating is a physical and social problem which is known as hyperhidrosis. This problem affects the person self-esteem not only because excessive sweating moisten the clothes, especially in the armpits, but also because it produces a bad smell.

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When sweating accumulates (due to glandular secretions, hormonal factors, stress or nervousness) some bacteria tend to grow which release some gases that cause bad smell in  determined areas of the body such as armpits, hands, face and feet.

Other causes of sweating bad odor could be the kind of food taken, the presence of fungi, deodorant or soap traces and dead skin cells.

General tips

In case of excessive sweating and underarm or feet bad smell, you should wash the area with a loofah sponge, soap and water at least two times a day.

"One or more of these recipes will help you reduce the bad smell of your armpits as it takes action on the fungi and bacteria that produce it."

It is important to rinse and dry the area very well because soap, cream or deodorant traces can lead to bad smell if it is mixed with sweating.

It is better  to use Cotton, linen or natural fibers clothes.

Natural remedies for underarms bad smell due to excessive sweating

  • Homemade Remedy for Sweating
    Mix willow bark tea with borax and then moisten your armpits with this preparation.
  • Vinegar and alcohol remedy for armpits bad smell
    Mix two parts of vinegar with one part of alcohol and then apply on clean armpits and feet every night.
  • Infusions for excessive sweating
    Prepare an infusion with five tablespoons of dry sage in a liter of water. Let it boil for 15 minutes. Then strain and drink a cup of the infusion on an empty stomach every day. It is better if taken cold. This herb helps to standardize sweat glands activity and reduce sweating due to the fact that this infusion has antiperspirant properties. It is better if the tea is taken cold.
  • Baking soda for excessive sweating
    Apply baking soda with a piece of cotton on armpits and feet already clean. The baking soda avoids bad smell and keeps the area dry for a longer time. Also, baking soda is included in many deodorants that are on the market.
  • Lotions for underarms bad odor
    Wash underarms and other areas more likely to sweat with thyme, lettuce or rosemary.
  • Potato for excessive sweating
    Peel and chop a potato in slices. Then, place some slices under the armpits and repeat the procedure a couple of times changing the slices. Let the area get dry on its own in order to apply finally a deodorant.
  • Aloe Vera for excessive sweating

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"This homemade recipes that helps to eradicate the bad smell of underarms mainly look for an antiperspirant effect instead of a deodorant one."

Apply the juice of four leaves of Aloe Vera on clean and dry armpits. The aloe Vera acts as a natural deodorant, it helps to eradicate fungi and it improves the skin aspect. Be aware that the aloe Vera may stain dark clothing.

Lemon juice to eradicate underarms bad odor
Apply lemon juice on the underarms or mix lemon juice with a little amount baking soda after having a bath to eradicate underarms bad smell.

Pine leaves for excessive sweating
One natural way to eradicate excessive sweating is by taking a bath with pine leaves.

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