How to eat in case of gastritis

How to eat in case of gastritis

Life like it is nowadays, always in a hurry, eating whatever and as it is possible, develops health problems, especially gastritis, which has significant impacts on life quality from the people who suffers it, and also on their physical and mental health.

21/05/13 por Staff de CHP

What is gastritis?

Gastritis is stomach's lining inflammation that may be: acute; rapid onset and resolution in a few days; or chronic type, persisting for years. The best way to prevent gastritis is in the diet.

Many factors have to do with gastritis, for example analgesics, anti-inflammatories, stress, alcohol, tobacco, or the H. Pylori bacteria, this one is specially found in chronic gastritis; eating a lot or spicy, among other factors.

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Natural Remedies for Gastritis

Gastritis symptoms

There are many symptoms related to gastritis: lack of appetite, nausea, vomiting, heat or burning sensation in the abdomen, etc. Gastritis can be treated with antacids, antihistamines among others, or antibiotics in case of being Pylori bacteria.

A healthy diet is trying to move away from stressful situations: that is one of the most effective ways to avoid gastritis and all other problems that can affect our health. A healthy diet can also prevent gastritis, and if you already have it, relieve symptoms and prevent worsening thereof.

Some tips to prevent gastritis in feeding

  • Respect the four meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can include a mid-morning snac, that's according to your schedules and habits.
  • In case of gastritis you have to eat light, chew slowly and well.
  • Do not eat solid meals before going to sleep or wait for at least 40 minutes before lying.
  • Drink fluids 30 minutes before or after meals, not during them.
  • Choose fiber-rich foods such as cooked vegetables, salads, legumes, whole grains and nuts.
  • Exclude very salty or spicy meals, pickled and canned.
  • In case of gastritis, do not drink gasified beverages.
  • Reduce to the minimum the use of sugar.
  • Choose juicy foods, which don't need too much cooking.
  • Do not drink those beverages that increase the gastric secretions like coffee, tea, alcohol, etc. Instead of them drink soft infusions or malts.
  • The tomato and citrus fruits can increase the burning sensation or bother the person with gastritis.
  • Do not eat food that is too cold or hot, warm or natural is the ideal.

"A tip to prevent gastritis is to drink beverages 30 minutes before or after the meals, not during them."

What a person with gastritis, should choose to eat?

  • Red and white meat, cooked, roasted or baked. If choose chicken, skinless, if choose fish, natural.
  • Cereals: rice, wheat germ, cereals, whole oat, and grain crackers.
  • Black beans, soybeans, lentils, and legumes in general.
  • To eat in case of gastritis, is better to eat fruits with their skin and avoid citrus ones.
  • Eat soups with no fats and low in salt.
  • Eat eggs in any way but not fried.
  • Choose vegetable oils.
  • Eat yogurt and cheese. Pure milk can produce burning sensation some hours after you drink it.

Note: if symptoms persist or are too aggressive, is better not to wait to see a doctor.

Natural Remedies for Gastritis

Remedies and Advices to Eradicate Gastritis

An appropriate diet is crucial for those people who suffer from chronic gastritis. People who are prone to this disease should avoid aspirin, baking soda consumption and smoking, especially before having breakfast.

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