How to control anxiety attacks

How to control anxiety attacks

The anxiety attacks or panic attacks are feed by fear and insecurity. To control them we have to know that everything is in our mind. Here we offer you a complete guide with tips to calm and eliminate anxiety.

19/06/13 por José

What is anxiety?

Many of us suffer or have suffered, at any given time an anxiety attack.

First of all, we must be clear: anxiety is something that all human being have, and it is essential to avoid hazards and risky situations, and to prepare an escape plan without being aware of it.

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Therefore, we should not think about anxiety as something bad. The problem comes when, for some reason our brain interpret moments of nonexistent risk and generates certain very unpleasant reactions, specially when this occurs with some frequency and do not allow the normal development of our lives.

How to identify anxiety attacks

Anxiety is identified by unjustified nervousness states, as well as we can develop some nonexistent pathologies, such as breathing difficulties, chest tightness, nausea, fainting, feeling like our body is about to collapse at any moment and we are going to die, etc. Without an apparently logical reason for these feelings, we think that it is a real disease, and this concern leads to increased anxiety, to the point we might need specialized medical supervision.

No matter as much we went to the hospital, they do us tests with satisfactory results and they make clear that we do not have anything at all, we continue thinking about that they are wrong. We never can explain why if we feel the left arm going back, a tightness in the chest, and have difficulties to breath, we are not having a heart attack or myopercarditis. Well, actually not, but… anxiety, feeds on fear.

"If we believe that something happens to ustedes, our body will react against that something producing the known anxiety state."

If we believe that something happens to us, our body will react against that something, producing the known anxiety state.

Medication to contol anxiety

There are many therapies and drugs that help to control the heightened nervousness state; however, there is no cure for anxiety, for the simple fact that, as we already have said, it is not a disease in itself. But we do can consider the chaos state and chronic attacks as a disease, and this do have a solution, but only one: the self-control.

One of the biggest problems we face is that, in general, there is no medication to fix the problem, but always they are going to offer us anxiolytics and / or antidepressants that can help us to control it. Mind you, those will never fix it, which is what we really want.

Therefore, it is not advisable to use them as a treatment, especially because they cause dependence, and we end up taking another problem, plus we are never solving the nervousness issue, because the only key is to learn to control it.

Whenever we suffer an attack, we have to harness that time to teach our body to control. If the reaction is very low as a result of the treatments, this will affect us for the lifetime.

I overcame anxiety without needing them. Well yes, I always had an anxiolytic to help me in case of being in a compromising situation and needed to solve the problem, but truth, I never take it.

That was simply a guarantee to get recover if needed, and the mere fact of having it in my purse, always at hand, was just enough to give me confidence and security that allowed me to solve the problem myself.

How to calm down anxiety

Among the therapies that work better, we can highlight:

Breathing: We sit down and relax. We filled the top of our lungs slowly, keep the air for a few seconds, and gradually expel it as slowly as possible. To control not to fill the bottom of our lungs, we place one hand on this area and check that it does not move.  The reason for this is to avoid an oxygen excess that can cause hyperventilation and dizziness,feeling worse.

Drink relaxing herbal teas: Must be without caffeine, especially before going to bed. Sleep is very important in order to start the adjustment time and get our body prepared to learn what we want to teach.

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Do not drink alcohol, caffeine or tobacco: Avoid as much as possible the consumption of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco, as they are our greatest enemies. Coke, even the light one, is one of the worst nervous system stimulants. In my case, I stopped drinking those beverages and quit smoking, and honestly, I’m not exaggerating, my anxiety has reduced at least halfway. From that moment everything is much easier.

Exercise: Blessed sports… there is nothing better to load down extra energy, thus decreasing the attacks effects. If we can, we will exercise when getting up, though, if we have sleeping trouble; will be better to do it before going to bed. We take a good shower with soothing aromas, and go to bed. Tiredness will make easier to fall asleep, and the shower will allow us to be completely relaxed.

Relaxation: It is also advisable to practice some relaxation techniques.

Feeding: This is another key to our recovery. We are going to eat fruits, vegetables, fish, meat, legumes… ie a varied diet rich in vitamins, trace elements, proteins, etc. A healthy body is the best weapon we have.

How to act when the attack occurs

While performing the above steps, we will not radically avoid anxiety attacks, but we can reduce its intensity much more than we think.

However, another one from the other greatest enemies of anxiety is the feedback that occurs. That is, if we have a nervousness situation, whatever it is, if we think about things that increase anxiety, we end up suffering an attack, beyond our control.

When this happens to us, the first thing that we must realize is that there is no real illness (if we doubt, we have to go to the doctor, but we have to hear when he tell us that there is nothing but a stat of our mind) Therefore, even if we have a sickness feeling, our adjustment period and the self-control starts with our self-conviction from the real situation, giving us logical reasons as happened when we go to the doctor.

"Although we feel that we are sick, our adjustment period and self-control starts with self-conviction that it is not like that."

I used a cognitive therapy mode, which consider anxiety as an bad bug I had in my body, and it nurtures from those states.  I “fought” with it and told him that it would have to leave, because little by little, I was going to go cutting its food. It seems silly, but it helps a lot when the attack occurs, as we focus on a relatively physical thing, and our brain understands that there is not a disease but a psychological state.

Finally, be clear that anxiety attacks are controllable. It may take time to learn to control them, but no doubt you will.

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It is not difficult to have a healthy diet and life if you begin to change some unhealthy habits for others that are much more beneficial for your body.


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