How to Remove Anemia with Homemade Remedies

How to Remove Anemia with Homemade Remedies

If you suffer from anemia, you can make some of these homemade remedies rich in iron that will help you recover quickly.

08/08/13 por Colaboradores

Homemade recipes to remove anemia

Anemia is caused by a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood. It is produced by a low level of iron, and iron is very important for the body to produce hemoglobin. This deficiency can be produced by a poor nutrition, loss of blood (such as menstruation or accident), or after pregnancy.

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Here, you have many homemade remedies to remove anemia and recover the iron your body needs to be healthy.

  • Shake made of beets and carrots
    Blend 2 beets with 2 carrots and add 2 tablespoons of yeast. After that, drink a glass of this preparation for 9 days and anemia will disappear.
  • Garlic soup to remove anemia
    Ingredients: 1/2  glass of oil, ½ tablespoon of paprika or cumin, 2 liters of water, 6 cloves of garlic, 2 slices of stale bread, salt.

"The anemia is easy to prevent if you have some dietary changes."

Preparation: Crush the garlic cloves a little and fry them in oil. Once they are a little bit gold, add the stale bread, and finally, remove from the heat and add the paprika or cumin. As soon as possible, add the water and boil ½ an hour at low heat.

  • Avocado Mexican canapes
    Ingredients: 1 splash of olive oil, 1 avocado, 2 cloves of garlic, 3 o 4 drops of Tabasco sauce, salt and lemon juice. Mix all the ingredients until you get a sauce. Add this sauce to a slice of bread and enjoy.
  • Yolks, lemon and cane honey to eradicate anemia
    Mix all the ingredients and drink the preparation 3 times a day with meals for three weeks. Also, you can add milk or yogurt to the preparation.
  • Carrot, beet and orange juice
    Add beet juice, orange juice and carrot juice in equal measures. Drink this preparation every morning on an empty stomach for 9 consecutive days. Then, repeat the treatment the following month.
  • Tamarind leaves tea
    This tea has good properties to increase the hemoglobin levels.  

Useful food to remove anemia

  • Guavas are very good at preventing anemia. Also, it is believed that guavas prevent leukemia.
  • Red meat such as liver.
  • Green vegetables, such as spinach, broccoli, chard and cauliflower.
  • Bread and cereal, rich in iron, are ideal for breakfasts.
  • Legumes, such as lentils, beans, soy, beets and chickpeas. 
  • Sea food, such as squids, mussels, clams, shrimps, prawns, oysters, among others.
  • All food containing folic acid, as it lacks in our organism.
  • Pumpkins are rich in vitamins and folic acid, another vitamin that is necessary to intake.

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"These homemade recipes will help you prevent and remove anemia symptoms caused by poor nutrition."

If you are taking any iron supplement for a short time, it will not be harmful for you and you will recover quickly.

Do not forget to follow your doctor recommendations because he will give you an appropriate treatment for you. Anemia is not a serious illness if it is taken on time, as the decrease of red cells in the blood for a long period of time can lead to undesirable consequences.

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