How to make use of the medical properties of ginger

How to make use of the medical properties of ginger

You can't imagine all the medical properties of ginger¡; here we mention a bunch of them.

03/03/13 por Staff de CHP

Ginger Medicinal Uses

Normally we use ginger to treat colds, but it turns out that it can be used for other diseases. So, let's find out about all of its properties and let's make it our prime medicine.

What is ginger?

Is a plant that has the shape of a hand and it's native of the tropical areas from Asia's southeast. It is known by its strong smell and its mixed flavor between sour and spicy. Its leafs are similar to the ones of corn by its elongated shape, the flowers that sprout are eye-catching and its roots have a grey color from the outside and yellow from the inside.

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Do we use all the ginger?

In fact they say that the useful part is the root, which is used peeled and without cork.

So then, how can I use ginger? Since the V century, sailors used ginger to avoid dizziness at open sea and in India they use it to relieve pain in the muscles.

"Sailors used ginger to prevent motion sickness at sea and in India and was known to soothe aching muscles."

Uses of ginger for health

At home you can use it to stimulate gastric juices and improve digestion, for fever, infections and for nausea. You can also use it to prevent heart attacks, to relieve the pain produced by arthritis, tummy aches and to lose weight.

In the Case Western dermatology university they discovered that ginger oil could prevent skin cancer.

In case you are going to take a cruise or going to have surgery, take some ginger powder and eat it before these events in order to be cautious, because it is said that ginger is a antiemetic prophylactic.

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"If you have pain in the bones or suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, often making ginger."

If your bones hurt or you suffer from rheumatic arthritis, consume ginger frequently. The results won't be immediate but little by little you will feel relief and decreasing of the swelling.

Do you have a family ulcer's history? Ginger is the solution because it helps protecting the proliferation of digestive ulcers.

A research says that if a patient with coronary artery diseases consume 10 grams of ginger powder daily, is possible that it reduces itself.

¡Great, ginger is good for cholesterol ¡

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What does fever means?

Fever shows us that the body is fighting infections. A temperature below 39° C is not dangerous, but if it is above this degree, we should go to any emergency room and take fever reducing medicine containing Dipyrone or Ibuprofen. 

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