Healing Properties of Sesame

Healing Properties of Sesame

Sesame has many healing properties that help to prevent diseases. In this article, we will show you its healing properties and how to eat it.

27/04/13 por Caro

What is Sesame?

Sesame is the seeds of a plant officially known as Sesamum Indicum. It is generally used to make oil. It is native to Sub- Saharan Africa and the East Indies and came to America by slaves.

Sesame Properties

Sesame has high levels of protein, methionine and essential amino acids as well as phytoestrogens, also called dietary estrogens, which are antioxidant and anticancer agents. Also, it has high levels of iron, phosphor, magnesium, calcium and zinc.

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Sesame Healthy Benefits

Sesame has plenty of healing properties that help to prevent diseases. It is believed to reduce blood levels of cholesterol because it omega-3 and 6. Furthermore, it prevents physical and mental tiredness, memory loss and male erectile dysfunction.

Sesame seeds are very good to fight stress, depression, sleepless and other nervous system problems. Their high levels of calcium, iron and zinc are suitable for anemic people due to their fiber that also help as an intestinal regulator.

"It is advisable to eat sesame with no skin, added on top of toasts, in a glass of water or in milkshakes."

How to Prepare Sesame Seeds

Sesame can be served in hot dishes. Many people use sesame to decorate food but they really do not know its nutrition facts. Also sesame can be added in salads and sauces. It will add different textures and flavors to food.

Another option is to eat sesame seeds with no skin. Sesame seeds can be added on top of toasts, in a glass of water or in milkshakes. The best healing properties remain when sesame is taken without cooking it.

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