How to make syrup

How to make syrup

Many recipes have the syrup as an ingredient, but don't explain how to make it. Making syrup is something absolutely easy; you only have to consider the proportions.

25/03/13 por Staff de CHP

Syrup, preparation and uses

The syrup has many uses: sauces; fruit ice cream; sorbets; meringues and tinned sweets. It is use to conserve fruits, cover cakes or cookies, and to make different kind of candy.

But, many times while reading a recipe we find that says: "prepare the syrup and add" And that's the end of our intentions to surprise our family with something sweet, because we have no idea how to prepare that "holy" syrup.

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But enough discarding recipes, or leave them half way. The syrup is extremely easy to make and in a few minutes will be ready.

Generally the proportions are ½ cup of sugar, with 1 cup of water. But, sometimes the recipe indicates put some more or less of each ingredient, it depends of what is going to be use.

"The syrup has many uses: sauces; fruit ice cream; sorbets; meringues and tinned sweets. It is use to conserve fruits, cover cakes or cookies, and to make different kind of candy."

First, we will see the traditional recipe and after other options.

Classic recipe to make syrup

  • 1 cup of sugar.
  • 1 cup of water.

Preparation: put the ingredients into a pan, solve the sugar in the water and put on minimum fire for at least 15 minutes. Is important not stop removing, because if you leave it on the fire, is going turn into candy and won´t be useful as syrup. Cook it till turns soupy.

Other syrup recipes

  • 3/4 Kg. of sugar.
  • 3 cups of water.
  • Juice of half lemon.

Preparation: completely solve the sugar into the water. Take it to the fire and when it is hot, add de lemon juice. When the preparation, start boiling and thicken, the syrup is ready.

Other recipe

  • 2 glasses of water.
  • 1 spoon of liquor (whatever you like)
  • 1 glass of sugar.
  • A bit of lemon rind.

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"The syrup is extremely easy to make and in a few minutes will be ready."

Preparation: Put the sugar and the water into a pan, and solve the sugar. Put it on the fire. Add the lemon rind and the liquor. Remove till it gets the consistence you want.

Whenever you prepare syrup for a particular recipe, pay attention to the way must have, to be used in that recipe: taking into account the use it has on the final preparation.

For more information, visit our article: How to prepare the different ways of syrup

How to Make Crepes

Recipes for making Crepes

Crepes, creps or pancakes are delicious options for lunch, coffee breaks or also for dinner entries.

Crepes are very easy to make. Basically, they are a paste that can be filled in with many options. They can be sweet joined with ice cream or whipped cream or the can be savory filled in with vegetable pieces or deli meat.

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