How to cure ear's pain

How to cure ear's pain

Easy home remedies to cure or relieve ear's pain

50% me gusta (2 votos) 03/03/13 por Staff de CHP

Why there is ear pain?

Earaches are caused by the accumulation of liquid in the middle ear, specifically in a thin drain cavity called Eustachian tube; it is conducted to the nostrils to maintain the pressure of both sides. That liquid pressures the eardrum and other parts of the inner ear, avoiding that it drains normally. This pressure could produce sharp pain, lack of ventilation, infection and even loss of hearing.

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Generally, the accumulation of liquid is caused by bacteria or a cold, but it can also be caused by the own condition of the throat, nose and mouth. In many cases, earaches are originated by water that gets into our ears during the daily bath, pool or sea and also by drastic changes of pressure. An ear infection can be recognize by fever, secretion, intense pain of the ear, swelling, and temporary or permanent loss of hearing.

Among the most common treatments we find, ingesting an anti-inflammatory painkiller for the pain, taking decongestants for the nostrils or ear drops to reduce the swelling.

"An ear infection is recognized by the presence of fever, discharge, pain, swelling and temporary or permanent loss of hearing."

Home remedies to relieve

Among home remedies to cure ear's pain we find, applying tepid compress in the exterior part of the ear, 3 drops of virgin olive oil at body temperature to release the pain, and basil tea to decongest. However, one of the most efficient home remedies is fresh onion juice, at body temperature, inserted in the infected ear. This remedy can cure any infection in the middle ear and therefore cure the pain.

You must also avoid exercising too much, try to rest while you have the pain, try to yawn constantly during a flight and decongest your nose frequently.

How to cure respiratory problems with home remedies

Ideas to cure respiratory problems

Natural alternatives are a good option to reduce respiratory problems present during winter season.

Just an infusion or the inhalation of certain herbs can to a great extent help clear upper respiratory tracks, helping you have a nice rest and tolerate these unpleasant symptoms.


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