How to cure bruises

How to cure bruises

Some natural remedies to cure bruises, making them disappear faster.

03/03/13 por Staff de CHP

Tips to cure bruises

Everyone is always prone to fall or hit ourselves in a foolish way and then we end up with a bruise in any part of our body, but why does these bruises show up and how can we get rid of them quickly, specially from legs if we are wearing a skirt soon.

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What are the bruises and how they are produced?

Bruises are very common wounds in the skin; they cause that the color of our skin change for some time. Blood concentrates in the affected area, this causes the change of color. Bruises are also known as contusions or hematomas.

Bruises are painful and usually red. After a few hours it changes to a shade of violet or blue, but when it's healing it is yellow or green. Generally, there is no risk of infection like when it occurs when we have a scratch or wound. This happen because the skin is not cut or exposed to the environment.

Natural remedies to cure bruises

Ice bag. Apply an ice bag in the bruise; this will reduce the pain and the swelling. Please we beg you not to use this method in a hurt skin.

Hot compres. A day after you use the ice, apply hot compresses in the affected area, this will cause the dilation of blood vessels and will improve the blood circulation.

"Bruises are also known as contusions or hematomas."

Apply vinegar made out of Apple. Applying vinegar made out of apple and cold water in the bruise. Apply Heinz vinegar in the bruise using cotton; this will increase the healing process.

Help from flowers. Add a big amount of flowers in olive oil and then apply it in the bruise.

Raw egg. Break a raw egg and apply it in the bruise.

Benefits of daisies. Daisies leafs can be used to make ointments and then apply them to the skin to treat bruises.

How to cure respiratory problems with home remedies

Ideas to cure respiratory problems

Natural alternatives are a good option to reduce respiratory problems present during winter season.

Just an infusion or the inhalation of certain herbs can to a great extent help clear upper respiratory tracks, helping you have a nice rest and tolerate these unpleasant symptoms.


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