How to care and maintain terrazzo floors

How to care and maintain terrazzo floors

Terrazzo is a kind of material very used on the 70es, is easy to place and enduring in time.

17/06/13 por Staff de CHP

What is terrazzo?

Terrazzo is a very cheap material so is very common to observe it at the middle-class houses of that time. This is one of the less problematic materials at the moment to preserve and maintain it, without mattering where it is located.

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This material is faithful, resistant, with unsurpassed characteristics, and ideal to last over time in an unalterably way, with very few simple cares, maintenance and cleaning.

Polished terrazzo is better at the cleaning moment, because when is polished loses part from its natural porosity. This task is usually carried out every 5 years or so.

If the terrazzo is newly polished, we should remove all dust using a vacuum cleaner, before to start cleaning it.

How to clean a terrazzo floor

To keep it clean you only need a mixture of water and detergent. If we want it more brightening; can apply one layer of liquid wax or brightener.

"Polished terrazzo is better at the cleaning moment."

If we need to eliminate grease from a terrazzo floor, it is best to use a mixture of water and detergent plus a dash of ammonia.

If the stain on the terrazzo is very dry, try applying over it a mixture of paint solvent using a brush or cotton. Leave it for a few minutes and rinse it well with hot water and detergent.

It is not convenient to use abrasives, acids or harsh brushes that can scratch the surface and break the seals.

How to clean and take care of marble

Tips to remove stains and take care of marble

Marble is a gorgeous and noble stone, keeping it clean helps its conservation and durability.

The first thing you need to know is that this material is very porous, so it absorbs stains easily. However, at the same time, it offers you the benefit that stains can be easily removed if acting fast enough.

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