How to take care of the skin in sensitive areas

How to take care of the skin in sensitive areas

Every part of our body deserves attention and special care. In this article, you will find a guide to pamper every sensitive area of your skin.

04/09/13 por Staff de CHP

Tips to take care of delicate and sensitive skin

Your complexion deserves you take care of  it in the best way possible. The wind, the low temperatures and the heat make the skin thinner and more vulnerable. To keep the skin in good conditions, it is convenient to moisturize it and increase its elasticity. 

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A simple care routine to every part of the body is the only way to strengthen you skin protection.

How to take care of the skin in every part of the body

Check bones skin: They get blushed and irritated easily; that is why, it is convenient to use any facial care product containing ingredients to improve blood circulation and moisturization in that area. 

Legs and feet skin: You should polish these areas with a exfoliating lotion at least once a week. Furthermore, apply a moisturizing product at night and a gel containing vitamin C during the day.

"A simple care routine to every part of the body is the only way to strengthen you skin protection."

Hands skin: Apply a cream containing collagen or vitamin A during the day. At night, apply exfoliating creams and rub your hands under warm water for some minutes. This will help activate the blood circulation. Finally, apply a cream containg almond oil  to nourish them. 

Lips skin: They tend to break easily. Apply a sunscreen lipstick to protect them during the day,  and if they are dry, apply a smooth tissue regeneration cream.

Note: Its is convenient to drink a glass of water per hour and eat fruits and vegetables in order to moisturize your skin.

How to take care of the armpit skin

Why does the armpit skin is delicate?

The armpits are the most difficult part of the body to embellish due to the characteristics of this part of the body, and also taking into account that the armpits are one of the “purifying centers” of our organism.

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