How to open XPS files

How to open XPS files

XPS format is a file developed by Microsoft based on the XML standard. We, are going to explain you how to visualize it.

10/04/13 por Staff de CHP

What is a XPS file?

The XPS format is an electronic file developed by Microsoft and based on the XML standard. This format is very similar to PDF by Adobe, it guarantee that when the file were seen online or printed, it preserve the exactly the desired format, and that the data on the file cannot be easily changed. So, it results very useful to make curriculums, juridical documents, newsletters, and other kind of files conceived to be read, printed or shared.

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How to visualize a XPS file

To visualize a XPS document we can use the Internet Explorer navigator. We look for the file, press the right button and then "open". On the list that will appear we look for the navigator, select it and "accept". Now we can visualize the XPS file on a new explorer window.

If the "open" option does not appear, we can press before the ALT button, and then, without releasing ALT, do click with the right mouse button.

How to convert an image to .ico

Converting images to file icons (.ico)

If you want to customize Windows using different icons in each folder, you will need to convert any image (jpg, gif, png, etc) to .ico extension. This is not achieved simply by renaming the file.

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