How to eliminate bad smell in your shoes

How to eliminate bad smell in your shoes

Shoes tend to have bad smell, but they really stink when the weather is extremely hot due to the fact that our feet sweat increases.

04/05/13 por Staff de CHP

How to remove shoes bad odor

Many times we tend to find our shoes due to our smell rather than our sight. Getting rid of them and buying new ones is not the only solution because the odor will appear again.

In this article, you will find tips that will make the bad odor of shoes disappears your forever.

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  • Place a piece of charcoal into the shoes or trainers and bad smell will disappear in a few hours.
  • Sprinkle the shoes with foot powder every night. Also, you can apply baking soda instead of foot powder, but remove it before wearing the shoes.
  • Do not wear the same shoes everyday and place them near a window where they can get fresh air. Many people leave them near windows, doors, etc. during the night.
  • Another option is to fill them with dry sage leaves.
  • The cleaning of shoes is crucial; that is why, it is necessary to clean them periodically.

"Bad smell not only should be removed from our shoes but also from our feet."

Generally, shoes or trainers bad smell occurs because of an excessive and stinky sweating of our feet. The best option is to treat both smell problems because shoes will always have bad odor if our feet are not treated, as well.

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The thing with house\'s ants

If we live into a tropical weather, we start a personal fight against those little bugs which tries to take over our houses, including flies, wasps, worms, cockroaches, and those little but annoying ants.

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