How to eliminate fleas with homemade remedies
Here some homemade remedies to protect our pets from fleas.
How to eliminate fleas in a natural way
There are a lot of enterprises that tries to sell a good product for fleas on our pets, however, is good to remember that those products are made with chemical substances which can produce bad injuries on our pets's skin, such as the allergies.
Day by day, pet owners are searching the market trying to get treatments, shampoos, powders, or other products that are as natural as possible, trying to avoid chemical substances which can damage their pets.
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Is important, to recognize that healthy eating for our pets will let their immunological system to avoid fleas to damage their skin. So it is important for them, to consume high doses of zinc, selenium and antioxidants B complex, to strengthen its defense system against pests.
"A healthy eating will make immunological pet's system reject fleas."
A homemade remedy to eliminate fleas is garlic. No matter if you put the garlic into the animal´s diary beverage, or pulverizing and mixing the garlic with its meals. Also thiamine can be useful to eliminate this plague, putting 1 milligram for each five pounds from the animal weigh (2,25 Kg)
Other option is to use white vinegar. Mix into a gallon of water (3,75 liters) 6 teaspoons of vinegar, and give it to your pet to drink.
It is important to brush your pet every day. Brushing you can take out the fleas, helping to eliminate them. Do not forget that when we take our pet for a walk, we should go to a place where the grass is cut, never to places where the grass is grown, because there our pet can get fleas or ticks.