How to cook beef tongue

How to cook beef tongue

The tongue meat is very tasty, being the beef tongue the most eaten, but pork tongue is getting more famous.

13/07/13 por Staff de CHP

Tips to cook tongue

Mostly tongue is cooked into a liquid, alone or with some condiments or aromatic herbs. Tongue meat is delicate and its flavor even better.

The size from the tongue we are going to prepare should be around 800 and 1300 grams.

To successfully cook tongue, first of all we need a pressure cooker. We also can cook it in a traditional pan, but it for that we have to calculate the double time. Here we are giving you some options; you can choose the one that better adjust your personal taste or your family.

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Different ways to cook beef tongue

  • The first thing to know is that are cooked in liquid. You can use just salty water, or add some seasoning to the water, so while cooking; the tongue gains the spice flavors. Before put it in the water wash it very well.
  • If you choose the last option you can add to the cooking water some lemon juice, onion, celery, bay leaf, parsley, thyme, leek, carrot, etc.
  • If you use a pressure cooker, from the time the water starts boiling, the tongue will take from 60 to 70 minutes to be ready.
  • On the other hand, if you use a traditional pan, you should calculate about 2 -1/2 hours from the boiling time. If some foam appears over the water, use a slotted spoon to remove it.
  • If we are afraid of passing the cook point, we can prove if it is ready, by poking it a knife or a fork. If when pricking the meat is tender that means: it does not offers resistance, we turn off the fire, take it out carefully not to burn and start peeling the tongue.
  • To peel it easier is enough cutting it and removing it with the hands.
  • Then, we put the tongue into the pan and let it get cold in the same water or soup.
  • Preserve the tongue in the fridge until we use it on the desired recipe.

How to steam cook the vegetables

Steamed vegetables

Steam cooking allows keeping all the nutritious properties of the food in a better way, especially in the case of vegetables.

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