How to clean and cook snails

How to clean and cook snails

Cleaning snails in order to get them ready for a recipe is very easy, you only have to follow and pay attention to these steps.

21/05/13 por Staff de CHP

How to prepare the snails before cooking them

After buying the snails, you have to let them fasting for about 10 days. You can give them some flour some days.

The reason to let them fasting is that, sometimes, we don't know from what farm the snails comes, and they may have eaten some herb or plant that could be toxic for humans.

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Once the snail's intestines are well clean (if you have fed them with flour, you will know that they are clean, when their faeces became white); the next step is to dip the snails into cool salty water with some vinegar for a few hours, so that, the snails are going to release all their slime. After that, wash them many times.

How to cook snails

To cook snails, put them into a pan with cool water, if the water is hot, they are going to put into their shells instantly.  When we see that they show their horns and part of their bodies, turn the fire into maximum so that the water starts to boil.

From the moment the water starts to boil, leave them cooking for a few minutes, then strain them, and pass them through cold water.

Now, they are ready to use on the recipe you have chosen.

Note: Control on your recipe the part where it says about the cooking way, because some of them ask to boil the snails with some aromatic herbs, to make them start taking their flavor.

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Rice is very easy to cook, cheap and also we can use it as a garnish; to eat it cold or hot, and also as a single dish. It is also a necessary ingredient for stews preparations.

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