How to clean and reuse burned kitchen pots

How to clean and reuse burned kitchen pots

In this article, you will see very useful tips and secrets to clean and reuse burned kitchen pots made of aluminum, Teflon (non- stick), stainless steel, etc.

15/07/13 por Eugenia

How to remove burned coal from kitchen pots

We have all experienced a telephone call when making a soup, the bell ringing and a postman outside our door waiting for us to receive some envelopes while we are making a delicious jam or just a simple oversight can make our lovely kitchen pot in a coal collection. Do not desperate or end up with your muscles destroyed because of the constant rubbing. What you only need to do is to follow some simple tricks to reuse that burned pot and keep making your culinary arts in total comfort.

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How to clean burned pots: step by step

First of all, you should rinse the pot with very hot water and leave the “burned” area soaking until the water gets warm. Then, wash the pot with very hot water dishwashing soap and a soft dish sponge so as to remove food leftovers; and sooner the pot will be in recovery.

The following step is to mix hot water and dishwashing soap, depending on the pot damage. Then, boil the mixture at low heat for some minutes.

If there are some burned food leftovers firmly attached to the pot, you should boil a mixture of salt and water in the same pot, so that a kind of smooth astringent is formed that will remove the food remaining, but it is important to remember that his procedure should be done on pots that could not be scratched. However, if there are lots of burned food leftovers, you can boil bleach and water for some minutes to remove them. Be careful with the steam this mixture releases, do not be near or breathe this steam. Then, you should wash the pot gently to avoid scratching or further damage.

If the pot is made of a firm and appropriate material, you can rub its surface with a steel sponge or a metal one (the hardest part of the dishwashing sponge) and powder cleanser soap, but if it is a Teflon pot, you should never rub its surface because you will end up ruin it completely. 

Other tips to clean burned pots

A wonderful secret to recover burned pots and pans, especially those which porous surfaces (such as the lovely Essen), is to spray them with the same product you use to clean the oven. This product is available in spray and when you use it, it creates a foam layer. You should spray only the burned area; let it sit for half an hour (or 45 minutes) and then wash as usual. Also, this procedure is ideal for vulnerable surfaces as you do not need to rub with this product.

Another option that works very well, especially in stainless steel pots, is rubbing them gently with baking soda and warm water drops.

"If it is a Teflon pot, you should never rub its surface because you will end up ruin it completely."

Grandmas, also used to boil potato peels and vinegar to recover kitchen pots (this tip is also useful to remove tartar form the kettle) letting them sit all night.

Remember that nowadays there is a great variety of creamy cleanser products in the market that are useful for several surfaces. You just need to apply the product with your fingers or with a smooth sponge, let it sit for some minutes and then remove with water.

How to clean and polish granite surfaces

Clean and polish granite surfaces

Granite is a beautiful and versatile material used for the construction of many surfaces at home. In many kitchens, granite is the base from the countertops, allowing a convenient cleaning and an ideal surface for kneading delicacies made of greases or butter, because it preserves cold and its even surface.

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