How to clean and polish granite surfaces

How to clean and polish granite surfaces

We can find this material mostly in the kitchen counters. If you want to keep it in perfect conditions, follow the instructions to polish, restore and clean granite surfaces.

19/06/13 por Eugenia

Clean and polish granite surfaces

Granite is a beautiful and versatile material used for the construction of many surfaces at home. In many kitchens, granite is the base from the countertops, allowing a convenient cleaning and an ideal surface for kneading delicacies made of greases or butter, because it preserves cold and its even surface.

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Steps to clean and polis granite


Granite cleaning is usually quite practical, being enough just wiping it with a damp cloth over the counter to remove dirt and dust. However, if you want to make a more effective cleaning, fix some shabby stain or polish granite to restore its natural luster, do not miss these simple tips, very useful and easy to implement.

Start by liberating the surface, removing objects and decorations. Wipe first with a soft and dry cloth, to remove lint and loose dirt. Now, you are ready to begin. The first part of this cleaning will be with detergent or dish cleaner. Simple apply it on a sponge and wipe the surface in a circular motion, vigorously rubbing over the dirt or where you notice that the surface is not smooth and soft. Then, rinse with a sponge embedding in hot water. With this step you will eliminate the simple dirt and degrease the surface to go to the next step. Leave the surface dry to perfection before proceeding.

Now analyze the granite surface. Watch looking for skipped parts or holes in it. If so, make sure they are dry and seal them using filler for granite. You have to apply this product, is paired with a spatula, and leave it dry for several hours, according to the manufacturer’s specifications.


Now you can apply the second granite specific product: an aerosol sealant, which is simply applied by spraying it over the surface to fill the holes, until the more sensitive holes, such as scratches and small shocks that the granite might have and are not visible to naked eye.

After spraying leave it works for a few seconds. And rub in circles using a little pressure, by using a soft and dry cloth. This will be essential to regain its luster, acting as a true polish, like the one we use for wood.

When polishing, remember to wipe well the corners, joints and edges. Often we only clean the visible part from the granite, and this is a big mistake that only detracts from the final result. Use swabs and elongated and thin elements to pull the cloth over the difficult areas, and so the granite will look like new, shiny and bright, and in all its glory.

How to clean and take care of marble

Tips to remove stains and take care of marble

Marble is a gorgeous and noble stone, keeping it clean helps its conservation and durability.

The first thing you need to know is that this material is very porous, so it absorbs stains easily. However, at the same time, it offers you the benefit that stains can be easily removed if acting fast enough.

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