How make homemade noodles

How make homemade noodles

Homemade noodles are a Sunday classic and ideal to gather the family around the table.

17/06/13 por Staff de CHP

Homemade noodles recipe

Making homemade noodles is easier than you think, and their flavor can’t be compared with the ones we can buy at the best pasta house. The ingredients are basics: flour, eggs and salt.

With this simple recipe that we are going to show you, you will be able to surprise your family with a completely homemade, nutritive meal and you only will receive congratulations and loving commentaries.

How to make homemade noodles


  • 400 grams of 0000 flour.
  • 4 eggs.
  • ½ teaspoon of salt.

Prepare homemade noodles:

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  • Clean well a large table and put there the flour forming a crown.
  • Break the eggs and put them in the center, with the salt.
  • Using a fork mix the eggs and start incorporating the flour, slowly, until you get smooth dough. At some point you will need to leave the fork and use your hands to keep making the dough.
  • When you got the dough keep on kneading it for a few more minutes. Cover it with a well clean dish towel and leave it rest for about ½ an hour.
  • Separate the dough into four or five buns. Take one and stretch it using a rolling pin until it has a thickness of about 2 mm or 1 – ½ mm. and let it aerate for 10 minutes. Roll the dough and cut the noodles in the way you desired.
  • Unroll softly, put them over some trays and cook for a few minutes into abundant salty hot water. Drain and serve with the sauce you prefer.

You can garnish those homemade noodles with:

  • Cheese.
  • Cream and cheese.
  • Tomato sauce.
  • Pesto sauce.
  • Sauce with Little meatballs.
  • White sauce, etc.

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