How to seduce a Gemini woman

How to seduce a Gemini woman

Tips and tricks to seduce and conquer a lively, communicative, hardworking and independent Gemini woman who hates routine and moodiness.

21/06/13 por Colaboradores

Characteristics of the Gemini woman

Gemini woman is full of enthusiasm, hates routine and gets easily bored. She’s hard to please and she doesn’t like too much to be locked at home, if she feels locked, she will leave.

The Gemini woman is a great communicator, especially when sharing her emotions and thoughts. They are curious, whimsical and unstable, is difficult for they to only set one person.

Gemini women, likes men with good sense of humor, smarts and who always give their best in everything they do.

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How to seduce a Gemini woman

  • To seduce a Gemini woman you have to be able to talk about a great variety of topics, dominate the communication arte and the words is fundamental.
    Always try to have a conversation topic to use and show her you are informed of all the news of the day.
  • They don’t like womanizer men or those who limit their space. Try not to be uninformed or uncool.
  • To conquer a Gemini woman you have to pose an equals relationship, do not try to control her life, because they love their freedom and won’t give up her friends or job.
  • Try to share with her some intellectual activity and support her to study languages, dance or other activity.
  • Seducing a Gemini woman also goes through seducing her mind, attract her curiosity and allow her handle it. A mixture of curiosity and tension usually give good results to get her attention.
  • Definitely, give to the Gemini woman time to talk, respect her space and share with her creative, fun or some risky activities such as an adrenaline or innovative sport (rafting, rappelling, paragliding, …) or one of those shows, the good ones, where you can’t stop laughing.
  • Once in a while organize a dinner with a good movie. This will help you to conquer a Gemini woman, and remember that she will enjoy sweet words whispered in her ears and gentle touches on her neck and head.

How to seduce an Aquarius woman

Aquarius woman characteristics

The Aquarius woman is smart, independent, unpredictable and very unconventional. Generally, they are very attractive and seducers, they dress fashionable and once they are in love are super loyal.

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