How to remove candle wax stains

How to remove candle wax stains

Removing candle wax stains is not a difficult task. In this article, you will discover why.

04/05/13 por Staff de CHP

Tips to remove candle wax stains from clothes

When having power cuts, your clothes can be stained with candle wax when manipulating a candle.

Removing candle wax stains is a very simple task. Just take into account these following steps:

If the candle wax has yet a liquid aspect, let it sit for a few minutes until it has a solid texture. You can accelerate this process by placing the piece of cloth in the fridge. Once the candle wax is solid; remove the excess wax with a knife or spatula.  In case you use a knife, do not press so hard because the knife can damage the piece of cloth. After that, rub the stained area with alcohol.

Another homemade recipe

Place the stained area between two silk papers. Then, heat the iron up and iron the stained area on the papers. The silk papers will absorb the excess candle wax. Change papers as many times as needed. The remaining halos can be removed with alcohol.

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