How to make a moisturizing cream for oily skin

How to make a moisturizing cream for oily skin

In this article you will find some homemade recipes to make a natural moisturizing cream for oily skin that will remove oiliness and leave you skin bright and healthy.

24/10/13 por Colaboradores

Homemade moisturizing creams for oily skin

Oily skin is characterized by an excessive sebum production, pimples, white heads, black heads and a notorious shine. This kind of skin is not necessarily a moisturized skin, as oiliness does not have moisturizing or nourishing properties.

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In order to avoid these annoying and unsightly effects, and at the same time, deeply moisturize your skin, you can use these homemade fantastic moisturizing creams which will leave your skin gorgeous, healthy and bright with no oiliness at all.

You will find most of the ingredients at home, or you can get them in any herbalist shop or pharmacies. 

"Try these homemade creams for oily skin and you will see the results after a pair of applications."

  • Natural cucumber moisturizing cream
    Mix 10 ml of cucumber juice with a tablespoon of cocoa butter and another tablespoon of bee wax in a bowl. Then, place it in water bath until all the ingredients are mixed and dissolved. After that, add 3 drops of melissa essence, previously diluted with 5 tablespoons of distilled water.
    Beat well until it gets thick; and once cool, store in a glass jar with lid in the fridge.
    Apply this preparation in the morning and before bedtime, after cleansing and toning your skin.
    This moisturizing cream for oily skin can be stored in the fridge for many days.
  • Honey moisturizing cream for oily skin
    Place a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of warm water in a bowl. Mix well. Then, add four tablespoons of glycerin and mixed all the ingredients well until you get a paste. Apply this cream on the face every other day with a piece of cotton and then remove it with plenty of water after some minutes.
  • Natural moisturizing cream for oily skin
    Melt 50 gr of lanolin in water bath continuously stirring until liquid. At that moment, add half a cup of rose water, continuously stirring, for two minutes and remove from the heat. Then, add 2 gr of grated ethyl alcohol and keep stirring. Once the ingredients are well mixed, you can store the preparation in a clean jar.
    Apply this cream with a piece of cotton wet with fresh water. You can make a good amount of this homemade cream to have it always handy, as it can be stored in the fridge several days.

How to make a natural moisturizing mask

Homemade moisturizing masks to keep a youthful looking skin

Skin gets dry everyday and it needs continuous hydration to slow down the appearance of wrinkles and the effects of premature ageing.

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