How to Get Rid of Bags under your Eyes

How to Get Rid of Bags under your Eyes

Tiredness, stress and bad sleep may cause bags under your eyes. These bags appear as a dark shadows under your eyes.

12/05/13 por Staff de CHP

Tips to Remove Eye Bags

One of the simplest solutions to remove eye bags and tiredness effects from our faces is to apply cold tea compresses on the eyes, that is to say; pieces of cloth wet with this infusion. Let the compresses sit for 10 or 15 minutes and we will recover a fresh and vital aspect. Also, we can apply cold chamomile tea bags on the eyes.

To Sleep Well is the Best Way to Prevent Eye Bags.

Throughout the day you can use eyes concealer if necessary in order to remove eye bags, but the truth is that the best way to prevent them is to sleep well at night. Sleeping well helps to remove eye bags, lighten your eyes and make them recover their natural bright.

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