How to Remove Foot Callus

How to Remove Foot Callus

Foot callus or callosity is a toughened area of skin which has become relatively thick and hard in response to repeated friction, pressure or rubbing. Callosity can form on any part of the body, but mainly on feet and hands.

21/05/13 por Staff de CHP

Tips to remove foot callus

Callus can be harmless at first, but once they are bigger and thick, they become so annoying and painful that wearing a pair of shoes can make you suffer.

There are many natural remedies that can help remove callus:

Natural Remedies to Remove Callus

Nettle: Wash nettle stems and flowers well and blend them until you get a juice. Then, apply onto the callus several times a day until you remove them forever.

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Onion: Rub the callus area with 1/2 onion every night before going to bed. Repeat the procedure several days until the callus disappears.

Tomato. Crush a tomato until you get a pulp. Apply the paste on the callus and wrap it with a bandage. Repeat the procedure every night and in several days you will remove the callus.

"Under no circumstances should people suffering from diabetes remove callus."

Calendula. Crush some calendula leaves until you get a paste. Apply this cream on the affected area and wrap it with a bandage. Apply it for several days.

Garlic. Cut ½ clove of garlic and chop it in slices. Then, apply on the callus and wrap it with a bandage. Repeat the procedure every night until the callus disappears.

Fig. Rub the callus area with a fig milk. After many days, callosity will disappear.

Pumice Stone. It is useful only for little and superficial callus. You need to soak your feet in warm water for a few minutes and then remove the dry or dead skin from feet with a pumice stone. Finally, apply a moisturizing cream on feet.

Treatment to Remove Callus

There are many creams, lotions and oils available in different stores that help remove callosity. These products have a special composition made only for dry or hard callus skin; that is why; you should follow all the instructions carefully because you can burn the skin that surrounds the callus.

Furthermore, you can see a skin specialist, who will be able to remove them and give some advice of how to prevent them in the future. In some cases, a little surgery is needed to remove them.

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"Do not use any sharp tools to remove callosity."

Do not use any sharp tools to remove callosity. Feet area is very humid and scars take long time to heal.

Under no circumstances should people suffering from diabetes remove callus, because they can have a dangerous infection due to their pathology. In order to remove callus, they should go to a podiatrist.

Finally, if you have any doubts, see a skin specialist.

How to cure hand and foot blisters

Why blisters appear

The main raison that blisters appear, mainly in hands and feet, is by friction or pressure. In the case of hands is caused by some tool, and in feet, by too tight shoes.


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